Types of Plastic
History of plastic
What is plastic ?
What is plastic ? Plastics are materials that humans have invented and created to help us live a more comfortable life. In the past, we never knew of plastic until the middle of the 19th century. The original material that people have ever discovered and used in everyday life in the previous era is all natural materials, whether it be glass, wood, paper, metal, rubber or wool. These used to be materials that meet human needs very well. However, humans are still trying to find new materials. Always used
Plastic is a high molecular weight hydrocarbon compound. Contains molecules repeatedly Connected together into long lines of molecules Contains important elements:nitrogen, fluorine, chlorine, and sulfur, etc.
Sometimes found that the word "plastic" and "polymer" are used in the same meaning. Or similar, but the term "polymers" usually refers to materials like plastic, rubber, fibers and adhesives The term "plastic" means a mixture of polymers and additives such as paints, plasticizers Stabilizers and fillers that are used as finished products by forming various shapes such as buckets, plates and spoons etc. If translated according to the word "polymer" or "polymer" comes from two Greek words: poly, which means a lot and the word mer means that the polymer unit means Substances that contain molecules consisting of repeated units in a long line